Auction details

Further information and auction settings shown in the overview:

  • Number of decimals: the organizer has the option to limit the value of the bid to a whole number or a decimal number. Decimals can be set up to a maximum of 4 decimal places.
  • Bid difference: regulates the conditions under which a participant can submit a bid – relative to the previous bid.
    • Not restricted: you can change the previous bid value by any amount.
    • Bid step: you can change the previous bid by the value set by the organizer or by a multiple thereof.
    • Min. difference: you can change the previous bid by any amount equal to or greater than the minimum difference.
  • Outbid best: yes/no. If set to yes, the participant must bid better than the current best bid (even if it was not their own bid). In such cases, the rules for the bid step or min. difference are applied in relation to the best price.
  • Ties: allowed/not allowed. If not allowed, the system will not accept a bid that would result in a tie between two participants. The system will display an error message when the participant tries to submit the bid.
    In scoring auctions, ties are only forbidden for the first place, as in other cases the tie may be caused by the bid of a third participant – who cannot be restricted from making a better bid – and thus may result in a tie for subsequent items.
  • Blind auction: yes/no. In a blind auction, the numerical value of the best bids and the number of active participants are not displayed.
  • Valid bid required to unlock lead bid: yes/no. The current best value for a given item is only displayed if the participant has already placed at least one valid bid for that item. This is not relevant for participant-level starting prices, because the system considers the starting prices set at participant level as a valid first bid.
  • Bidding by Excel file: yes/no. Detailed in the Special auctions chapter. (In the case of a multi-item auction, this feature may be used to facilitate bidding, provided that the aggregate result of the items is taken into account when selecting the winning bidder.)
  • Send report to participants after the auction has ended: yes/no. The organizer can set the participant's own bids and auction settings data to be available in a report.
  • Enable anonymized HTML report for participants: yes/no. The organizer may choose to make the bids of all participants available. Of course, the details of the participants themselves will remain hidden.
  • Total value: this setting determines the conditions under which the auction total is shown to participants during the auction. It also depends on whether or not multiple winners (either per item or per item group) are advertised within an auction.
    • Not calculated: the system does not show a total value.
    • Calculated from bids of the lead company: the system sums and displays the bids of the best bidder for the auction as a whole.
    • Calculated from the lead bids of items: the system sums the bids of the best participants per item (so the amount shown here may be the sum of the bids of different participants).
  • Show rank for each item: yes/no. the system shows the current ranking for each item separately. The no ties allowed and automatic extension rules can then be interpreted per item.
  • Show overall rank: yes/no. The system calculates and displays the current ranking of the given participant for the aggregated value of all the items. The no ties allowed and automatic extension rules can then be interpreted per item group.
    If item-by-item or overall ranks are not displayed, the automatic extension option (which is subject to a change of ranks) is not applicable during the auction.
  • Additional information: The organizer has the option to provide additional textual information related to the auction settings.
  • Attachments: The organizer may attach documents to the auction that contain information relevant to the auction as a whole. The document(s) may also be set up as Terms and Conditions, in which case the conditions must be accepted by the participants before entering the auction.