Main features of the auction

  • Default bidding direction: buying or selling auction. Indicates whether the auction has a default bidding direction of increasing (selling auction) or decreasing (buying auction). If the organizer has specified a different bidding direction at the item level, the item in question is an exception to this default direction.
  • Ranking method: shows the set evaluation method.
    • Standard item cost: Bid value option items with non-price value (e.g.: warranty: 1 year; 2 years; 3 years) are not included in the evaluation (it is worth bidding, i.e. choosing from the options for this "item", because it may be an important influencing factor in addition to the price). The order of bids and participants is determined by the bids on the given item line or the total of item lines.
    • Score by standard item: The ranking is determined by the point value calculated during the auction, with each item (sub-criterion) being weighted separately in the competition. The scoring is adjusted according to the company's criteria.
    • Score by standard item in bundle: The ranking is determined by the point value calculated during the auction, simple (non-bid value option) items in the price competition have a single, common weight.
    • TCO (total cost of ownership): A complex evaluation procedure in which the monetary value of both quantitative and qualitative parameters is taken into account in the ranking (bid value option items).
  • Currency: the currency of the auction, which applies to all items
  • Auction type: English (traditional), Japanese, or Dutch
  • With practice: Yes/No.
    The organizer has the option to set up a practice auction before the live bidding. If a practice auction is set up (Yes), the start and end of the practice time will be indicated in the timeline.
    You can enter and bid on the items specified in the auction at any time during the practice period as an exercise; the system will automatically respond to your bids immediately after the evaluation of the bids you have submitted. All settings during the practice auction are the same as for the live auction (except for the automatic extension and the starting prices). During the exercise, the system deletes the submitted bids every hour. After deletion, participants can resume the practice as if the practice auction has just begun.

If the organizer has provided the opportunity, it is always recommended to log into the system and practice.