
Workspaces are an interface that allows for further communication and sharing of information and files. Workspaces are designed to assist the organizer in the preparation process; it allows for the request and submission of preliminary materials. Files added to the workspace can be shared with participants in the tender event and even with external stakeholders via a public link, according to the organizer's settings. It is thus possible to share the information attached to the workspace with colleagues who do not have a Fluenta account.

The Fluenta Dashboard widget will indicate that information visible to the participant has been uploaded to a particular workspace, and will also send an automatic system message to their email account. The uploaded material is accessible under Sourcing > Workspaces.

On the Workspaces page, the following information are displayed: name of the organizing company, the person responsible for the tender event, the name and identifier of the workspace and the name of the related tender event. Click on the name of the selected workspace to display the uploaded document, which can be downloaded with a single click.

If the workspace contains a document with Public access, this document can be forwarded to colleagues who do not have access to Fluenta via a simple link.