The response form

Important to note: Complete the tasks in the tender event on only one page or tab of the browser. If more than one Fluenta Sourcing page or tab is opened, the data stored in the system may be corrupted, which may result in malfunction!

The response form is compiled by the organizer, who can set fields to be required, indicated by an asterisk (*) next to the field. If you did not fill out a required field, clicking Submit response will display an error message in the top right corner indicating that the submission was not successful due to missing data. The fields that are incomplete and required are highlighted in red on the form.

Types of fields in the response form:

  • Information: the organizer may display formatted text and attachments.
  • File-information: the organizer may also upload an attachment for information purposes.
  • Single-select (radio button): one of the listed values can be selected.
  • Multiple-choice (checkbox): you can select one or more of the values listed, and an "other" (free text) option is also displayed.
  • Drop-down: one of the values listed in the drop-down menu can be selected.
  • Data input: one or more short answers can be given within a single question. The data request fields can be set to any text format by default, but the data type can be restricted to e.g. number format only. If you enter an incorrect format, an error message will be displayed.
    For a numbers-only format: the field may be set up to accept number characters only, or decimal numbers as well. In the latter case, both decimal separators (point or comma) are accepted (27,2 or 27.2).
  • File upload: the organizer may request documents as attachments. The organizer has the option to limit the file extension (e.g. .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .doc) or even to specify a template file (in which case the organizer will ask the participant to submit the data in a specific format).
    A single file can be uploaded per field; if you want to attach multiple documents to the same field, you can upload multiple files compressed in a .zip folder. The maximum file size is 100MB per file depending on the upload speed.